Hi folks! For a little over a year, we were doing weekly reviews to tell you about our progress on various aspects of VirtualSociety. Over time, we realized that this format was no longer appropriate, because it was too frequent, and didn't allow us to write enough posts on specific and interesting topics.
3 days ago
VirtualSociety is one of the projects that "change our lives" according to Le Point magazine! A superb honor to have been selected by a prestigious jury, composed of Nobel Prize winners (Pierre Agostini, Alain Aspect), Turing Prize winners (including Yann Le Cun), captains of industry (Safran, Thalès, Polytechnique, ...)
25 days ago
This week, we've invited Christine Legros from Asperger Lorraine to chat with us about autism, how it affects sufferers and those around them, and how VirtualSociety can help!
1 month ago
Hi folks, today we're going to talk about the design of construction editors! Construction and decoration editors have become highly sought-after features in video games, allowing players to express their creativity by shaping virtual spaces. Some games, like Makeroom or Summerhouse, focus exclusively on these aspects, where designing indoor or outdoor spaces becomes the very essence of the game..
4 months ago
Hi folks! Together with Loria, Inria, Inria Startup Studio, and the University of Lorraine, we organized a Game Jam: Arcade Game Algorithm! Thanks to a great team (especially Sylvain Contassot-Viver!), we spent a year preparing for a weekend-long Game Jam at the Inria center of the University of Lorraine.
4 months ago
This weekend, we were invited, thanks to and alongside our regular event partners from Inria Nancy's communications team, to the Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie in Paris for the 2024 Fête de la Science!
5 months ago
This weekend marked the 5th edition of Vandoeuvre In Game, and we had the opportunity to present VirtualSociety and Running Guys for the second time! Just like last year, we set up four computers connected to the same world in VirtualSociety.
5 months ago
As promised, we had our first live Q&A session with the community on YouTube! Missed it? We have the replay!
6 months ago
Hello again, it’s Paul! 👋
It's been a while since I talked to you about VS's character, so today, we're going to see how I managed to allow everyone to deform his 3D model!
7 months ago
Last week, the inauguration of the "video games" exhibition took place at the Féru des sciences, where it will be held for 8 months! We played a significant role in the creation of this exhibition, particularly by designing and programming the 12 games and applications on display!
8 months ago