VirtualSociety nommé dans le Palmarès des 100 projets qui changent la vie des Français du magazine le Point !
Written by Nicolas Gauville on 02/13/2025

Co-founder of VirtualSociety - PhD in Computer Science
Founder of the VirtualSociety project, and is in charge of the development and communication of VirtualSociety
After a PhD in autonomous robotics at Safran Electronics & Defense, Nicolas started the video game studio Cats & Foxes.

VirtualSociety named in the list of 100 projects that are changing the lives of the French by Le Point magazine!

illustration VirtualSociety is one of the projects that "change our lives" according to Le Point magazine! A great honor to have been selected by a prestigious jury, composed of Nobel Prize winners (Pierre Agostini, Alain Aspect), Turing Prize winners (including Yann Le Cun), captains of industry (Safran, Thalès, Polytechnique, ...)

We have the honor to announce that I am very happy to be part of the 100 inventors 2025 of the Le Point ranking!

VirtualSociety is one of the projects that "change our lives"! A great honor to have been selected by a prestigious jury, composed Nobel Prize winners (Pierre Agostini, Alain Aspect), Turing Prize winners (including Yann Le Cun), captains of industry (Safran, Thalès, Polytechnique, ...)

The list of winners is available here !

This is the first time that a French and health-oriented Sims/Minecraft competitor mental strength is rewarded like this! Super proud of the whole Cats & Foxes team

Written by Nicolas Gauville on 02/13/2025

Co-founder of VirtualSociety - PhD in Computer Science
Founder of the VirtualSociety project, and is in charge of the development and communication of VirtualSociety
After a PhD in autonomous robotics at Safran Electronics & Defense, Nicolas started the video game studio Cats & Foxes.

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