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Weekly review #9

Revue de la semaine #9
Image Written by Jimmy Etienne on 03/24/2023

Co-founder of VirtualSociety, PhD in Computer Science
I'm quite curious by nature, and I like pretty much everything, except spiders, heights, confined spaces... Well, I don't like everything, but programming, singing (mostly in the shower), and taking walks, those I definitely love. In the team, I handle development, UX, and also the financial aspects.

Weekly review #9

Hi folks! This week we added some new items, thought about the interface of the different game modes and continued to work on our world editor. Let's get started!

Object modelling

This week we continued to make objects for the bedrooms, including desks, toys and toy chests. Jimmy has also been working on trees and vegetation, and you can actually see a first glimpse in this week's photo!

Brainstorming on the interface of the different game modes

We also had several meetings about the different interfaces for our four game modes: adventure, life simulation, roleplay and serious-game. The idea is to minimize the information on the screen in the adventure mode (minimap outside, and display of contextual information), to give a little more details in the life simulation mode, to emphasize the chat in the roleplay mode, and to allow more flexibility for the serious game modes.

 World editor

Finally, we continue to improve our world editor, and add features to ease the creation of all your ideas. We won't tell you much more about it, because as for the previous weeks, you will be able to see a new preview every Saturday on our social networks!

Thanks for your support and see you next week!

Image Written by Jimmy Etienne on 03/24/2023

Co-founder of VirtualSociety, PhD in Computer Science
I'm quite curious by nature, and I like pretty much everything, except spiders, heights, confined spaces... Well, I don't like everything, but programming, singing (mostly in the shower), and taking walks, those I definitely love. In the team, I handle development, UX, and also the financial aspects.

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