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Weekly review #2

Revue de la semaine #2
Image Written by Nicolas Gauville on 01/27/2023

Co-founder of VirtualSociety - PhD in Computer Science
Founder of the VirtualSociety project, and is in charge of the development and communication of VirtualSociety
After a PhD in autonomous robotics at Safran Electronics & Defense, Nicolas started the video game studio Cats & Foxes.

Weekly review #2

Hi! After many weeks focused on code, we have, for once, spent very little time on C++ this week. On our ToDo list was: object modeling, meetings about privacy and updating the website.

Item modeling

Nico modeled some nice 3D objects for the game. Jimmy usually does the modeling, but sometimes we switch things around (especially when he is busy ^^). This week, we added some content for the bedrooms, with several bedside tables!

In VirtualSociety Online, we had several systems to edit the objects in game (their textures, colors, dimensions, change the handles, etc.). For VirtualSociety, we will rethink this whole system to allow more options, and make it easier to integrate the objects you will create.

Website home page

Last week we added the roadmap and updated the devblog. We'd like to finish our site update with the homepage, to try to better explain the principles of the game and our vision as clearly and succinctly as possible, so that they can be understood as easily as possible on a first visit. It's not ready yet, but we've been working on the graphics and text on the page, and the new version should be up soon!

We also wrote a nice article about how bad loneliness is, and why it matters so much to us. 

Jimmy worked a lot on the look and feel of the homepage, trying to match the colors with the ideas they convey, and creating icons and nice transitions. Maybe he is too picky because we still wait for a draft :P.

 Data protection and beta-testing

As previously announced, we are supervised by Inria Startup Studio for one year. This implies a follow-up from them, and help for a lot of legal issues. So we had a meeting with several lawyers and security managers from Inria. This will allow us to make sure we are in compliance with the laws on the respect of personal data, as well as to have the agreement to carry out a first series of beta-tests during our incubation.

 TV show "Le saviez vous ?"

Finally, today Nico was invited to the TV show "Le saviez-vous ?" on France 3 Lorraine ! He went to the France 3 studio this morning for the shooting. We'll make another post a little before the broadcast of the show to tell you more!

Thanks for your support and follow up, and see you next week!

Image Written by Nicolas Gauville on 01/27/2023

Co-founder of VirtualSociety - PhD in Computer Science
Founder of the VirtualSociety project, and is in charge of the development and communication of VirtualSociety
After a PhD in autonomous robotics at Safran Electronics & Defense, Nicolas started the video game studio Cats & Foxes.

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skylostt and Mozillax like this post
1 comment
Mozillax commented
J’ai hâte de voir l’émission qui va parler de VS, qui j’en suis sûr va être top ! :)
1 year ago
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