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Weekly review #3

Revue de la semaine #3
Image Written by Nicolas Gauville on 02/3/2023

Co-founder of VirtualSociety - PhD in Computer Science
Founder of the VirtualSociety project, and is in charge of the development and communication of VirtualSociety
After a PhD in autonomous robotics at Safran Electronics & Defense, Nicolas started the video game studio Cats & Foxes.

Weekly review #3

Hello folks! This week, we're back to C++ development, and we're preparing a scientific mediation event around the video game!

Back to C++

After a heavy week of meetings, we are back to the game development. Currently, we are working on two essential points of the game: the multiplayer and the edition and customization of objects.

We are starting the first multiplayer tests. Unlike many games developed with Unreal Engine, we are using, as with VirtualSociety Online, NodeJS for multiplayer. Our goals at the moment are to display the other players connected to the world and to synchronize the animations correctly. In a second step, we will focus on actions, the use of objects and the synchronization of dynamic objects (which can move, change state, etc.).

We have set up a whole system to synchronize values and triggers between the different players, and after a while spent defining the system, we are finally starting to test it. The challenges are many:

  • Allowing players to extend our system, so that user plugins can add network-dependent functionality.
  • Handling the communication interval on different criteria: importance of the synchronized element, platform, distance to the players (the animations of a distant player do not need the same precision as the one of a player right next to it). The challenge is to have a smooth result, and minimize the amount of data exchanged.
  • Resolve conflicts when several players have different values. For example, when a player kicks a ball, all players must see the ball in the same place.

We are looking forward to provide you with a first preview!

 Science mediation

In mid-February, we will be participating in an event at the "Féru des sciences" about video games. The event will last two afternoons and will be aimed at children. The objective is to show the backstage in the field of video games, and to explain in an accessible way the different techniques used. Nico and Jimmy will lead workshops on different technical points such as how textures and materials work, physics engines and character animation, while Clélie will discuss gamedesign and how to design rules and levels in games.

We have met with the organizers of the event twice to talk about the organization of the workshops, and we are starting to prepare these two days. As children, all three of us dreamed of creating video games, so it is a real joy for us to be able to share what we have learned, and to introduce different aspects of game creation to the younger ones.

Social networks

After updating the site and resuming more active communication with you, we have been working on other channels where we can be found, including Steam, Discord and Patreon. Regarding Steam, we now publish public devblog articles on Steam as well, in French and English. We will update the game images as we go along, and we have reworked the game description. Regarding Patreon, we have thought about redefining the different rewards associated with subscriptions, as well as the description of the page.

Thanks for your support, and see you next week!

Image Written by Nicolas Gauville on 02/3/2023

Co-founder of VirtualSociety - PhD in Computer Science
Founder of the VirtualSociety project, and is in charge of the development and communication of VirtualSociety
After a PhD in autonomous robotics at Safran Electronics & Defense, Nicolas started the video game studio Cats & Foxes.

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Mozillax like this post
1 comment
Mozillax commented
Encore un super article :)
1 year ago
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