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#31 Halloween is coming soon, and progress on the health front

#31 Bientôt Halloween, et des avancées côté santé
Image Written by Jimmy Etienne on 10/27/2023

Co-founder of VirtualSociety, PhD in Computer Science
I'm quite curious by nature, and I like pretty much everything, except spiders, heights, confined spaces... Well, I don't like everything, but programming, singing (mostly in the shower), and taking walks, those I definitely love. In the team, I handle development, UX, and also the financial aspects.

#31 Halloween is coming soon, and progress on the health front

Hello team! This week, Chloé and Mélissa have been preparing for Halloween, while Clélie, Nico, and Jimmy have been working on the uses of VirtualSociety for health. We'll tell you all about it!

Halloween preparations 

Mélissa has modeled an entire Halloween scene, which gave us a beautiful wallpaper that you can find on Patreon! To go along with that, Chloé has revamped the logo, adding a spooky touch.

The game for health

As displayed on our website for a long time, VirtualSociety, in addition to being fun, is intended to be helpful, and we have a whole program for health and assistance. Indeed, we are committed to providing experiences that will be beneficial to various audiences. Nico and I have been working extensively on how to make a game and a health application coexist without making our explanations incomprehensible. Clélie, on the other hand, has been doing research and reading to fuel our health experiences.

This week, we met with the director of a health laboratory, and we are trying to create a partnership with them to evaluate our experiences.

The body of your dreams

Paul is starting to create morph targets, deformations that will allow us to create diverse characters. Tall, big, small, thin, with a square jaw or very androgynous, the goal is to have maximum control.

Thank you for your support, and see you next week!

Image Written by Jimmy Etienne on 10/27/2023

Co-founder of VirtualSociety, PhD in Computer Science
I'm quite curious by nature, and I like pretty much everything, except spiders, heights, confined spaces... Well, I don't like everything, but programming, singing (mostly in the shower), and taking walks, those I definitely love. In the team, I handle development, UX, and also the financial aspects.

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#30 The Team Reunited, and Training Sessions

#30 The Team Reunited, and Training Sessions

Hi folks! This week, it's Nico sharing the updates. Once again, we all gathered in Nancy, where we had the opportunity to present our project at Cap sur le Peel, attended training sessions at Eurate..
9 months ago

#32 Happy Halloween!

#32 Happy Halloween!

Hi folks! This week, Chloé is here to tell you what's been happening in the studio!
8 months ago

#29 A room getting filled up !

#29 A room getting filled up !

Hello team! Today, it's me, Paul, who will summarize the progress of the last two weeks for you, and there are things to talk about!
9 months ago

One Year at Inria Startup Studio - Retrospective

One Year at Inria Startup Studio - Retrospective

Hello! We completed our year at Inria Startup Studio about ten days ago. This departure signifies a lot for our project: we are no longer funded and supported by Inria, we are about to create our co..
8 months ago

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