The journey finally begins

For many years, we have been developing video games in our spare time. Since the VirtualSociety project, our goal is to work full-time on the project in order to create the game we dreamed of. Since November 1st 2022, we joined the Inria Startup Studio, which will allow Jimmy and Nico to work full time on VirtualSociety up to November 2023!
Achievement unlocked: PhD
Nico defended his thesis in "autonomous robotics Exploration and coverage by stigmergy of an unknown environment with a fleet of reactive autonomous robots" on November 18th, and Jimmy his thesis in "curved printing for additive manufacturing" on December 1st. We are thus officially doctors! This step done, we will be able to dedicate ourselves, finally, to the creation of video games!
The beginning of a new journey!
Thanks to the Inria Startup Studio, we will be able to benefit from Inria's help for one year to make our indie game studio project a reality. Inria will provide us with advice on various aspects of business creation, host us (they are giving us an office), and help us find partners.
We'll tell you more about how we got into the Inria Startup Studio in a future article, and, of course, we'll share with you about the development process at Inria!
2 years ago