Looking Back at Vivatech 2024!

Hi folks!
Last weekend, we had the opportunity to participate in Viva Technology! This event was a great chance to meet many people and present VirtualSociety over two busy days!
On Saturday, for Viva Technology's public day, we were able to hold a stand thanks to Inria Startup Studio. A big thank you to the entire Inria team present on-site for the excellent organization; everything went smoothly! We were accompanied by Aurélie, who helped us manage the stand and take turns throughout the day.
This day allowed us to present VirtualSociety to many people and make a whole lot of interesting connections!

These two days also gave us time to tour the exhibition and meet other Inria startups with whom we have been working for a long time, albeit virtually. We had the chance to discuss and explore the event with Hakima Berdouz from Hope Valley AI, and Louis-Gabriel Pouillot from Retras.

A super intense and tiring weekend! Thanks again to Inria for allowing us to participate!