VirtualSociety devblog
Notre entrée à l'ISS #2 La vie à Inria
Notre entrée à l'ISS #2 La vie à Inria

Our arrival at the ISS #2 Life at Inria

After our article about joining the Inria Startup Studio, we're continuing the series on our workplace by talking about the people around us at Inria! And with all that, here are some group photos featuring everyone wearing a VirtualSociety t-shirt at Inria!
1 year ago

Revue de la semaine #19
Revue de la semaine #19

Weekly review #19

Hello team! This week, we've been able to complete two funding applications, and get back to game development! On this week's agenda: upcoming recruitments and world editing.
1 year ago

Revue de la semaine #18
Revue de la semaine #18

Weekly review #18

Hey folks! After weeks filled with events (starting with F101 in Lyon, then the Indie Game Night in Strasbourg, followed by the SpringCamp in Lyon again), we are now moving on to the "Foire Expo de Nancy", where we had a booth with France Bleu yesterday, a French radio station, and we will have a booth with the city of Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy thanks to Pandor Concept this weekend!
1 year ago

Revue de la semaine #17
Revue de la semaine #17

Weekly review #17

Hi folks! These last few weeks have been very busy for us, with the F101 program in Lyon, followed by a lot of meetings, then the Indie Game Night in Strasbourg, and finally the Inria Startup Studio Spring Camp in Lyon again.
1 year ago

Revue de la semaine #16
Revue de la semaine #16

Weekly review #16

Hi team! This week, we ordered goodies for our upcoming events, prepared the Indie Game Night for this Friday, and updated our website! New business cards, a roll-up banner, t-shirts, and a brand new website design are on the agenda.
1 year ago

Revue de la semaine #15
Revue de la semaine #15

Weekly review #15

Hey folks! After a busy week in Lyon with last week's F101 training, we were able to resume development and contacts in this slightly shorter week (with a public holiday on Monday). On the agenda: our progress on the building editor, discussions with healthcare professionals, and new furniture!
1 year ago

Patreon only post
Patreon only post

Dev diary : about snapping

In the past few weeks, we have showcased several demos of our editor, featuring intelligent snapping functions and helpful information displayed throughout the creation process to assist players by indicating angles and distances, among other things. Today, we'll delve deeper into the workings of all these features, explaining specific cases such as intelligent snapping.
1 year ago

Revue de la semaine #14
Revue de la semaine #14

Weekly review #14

Hi folks! This week, we went to Lyon to attend the F101 training program offered by Inria StartupStudio at EMLyon Business School. Over five busy days, we received different training on entrepreneurial postures, innovation marketing, business model and business development, and financing.
1 year ago

Revue de la semaine #13
Revue de la semaine #13

Weekly review #13

Hey folks! This week, we were mainly networking and chatting with people, but that's not all! We're still working on walls, and we hope you'll like what we're creating for you!
1 year ago

Revue de la semaine #12
Revue de la semaine #12

Weekly review #12

Hey folks! This week, we kept on coding the world editor (for Nico) and vehicles (for Jimmy), while Clélie put her thinking cap on to figure out the different gameplay types for each game mode. Just like last week, we kept chatting with modders to better understand their needs and make sure we keep them in mind when developing the game's modding features.
1 year ago

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